LAIE, Hawaii — Approximately 180 youth plus leaders from the Laie Stake of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints celebrated the 1919-2019 centen- nial of the Laie Hawaii Temple in part by reenacting a handcart trek during their June 4-9 conference. The Laie Latter-day Saints also invited 120 youth and their leaders from the Kahului West Maui Stake to join the faith-promoting adventure.
Such youth treks derive from a sub-group of 1846-1868 “Mormon pioneer” migration across the American plains to Utah: Lacking funds to purchase covered wagons and draft animals, approximately 3,000 of those faithful pioneers are still highly revered for making the difficult 1,000-plus-mile journey in handcarts between 1856-1860.
“We tried to take them on a journey to learn about our pioneer roots and help them remember some of the experiences and sacrifices those pioneers made so we can be grateful for our heritage,” said Arapata Meha, Laie Stake young men’s organization president.