“We’re hot, we can’t concentrate!” Waialua High and Intermediate School teachers and students are all experiencing this sweaty and irritable situation.

Vice Pricipal Neal Okamoto is managing heat abatement activities at WHIS with the “Schools Directed AC” Program, a new Hawaii Department of Education Program that empowers schools and communities to take the lead on cooling classrooms.

Mahalo to Frank Hinshaw, – Skydive Hawaii parachuted in with a $2500. donation to jump start the program.
WHIS needs your help

WHIS Air Conditioning Fundraiser

Keep our classrooms cool! To donate write a tax deductible donation to: WHIS, drop off at the school or mail to: Attn: Kim Ramirez “AC”
Waialua High & Intermediate School
67-160 Farrington Hwy, Waialua 96791

If you are a WHIS alumni add your class year.