Hawaii Department of Transportation (HDOT) Presents it’s Plans For Laniakea at the North Shore Chamber of Commerce Membership Meeting

Ed Sniffen, Deputy Director of Transportation unveiled a hot-off- the-press short term plan for a
short term solution for the Laniakea traffic problem at the North Shore Chamber of Commerce quarterly
meeting November 20th.

Mr. Sniffen’s plan involves moving the highway along the Laniakea area about 40-60 feet mauka of its present location and turning over the old road to Department of Land And Natural Resources or City
and County of Honolulu for development of a beach parking area.

The parking would then be makai of the road and eliminate the need for road crossings. The plan would cost $6 to $8 million, which Mr. Sniffen says the State has available, and the project could be completed within 30 months.

Mr. Sniffen also discussed longer term plans for the area, all of which would be much more costly, and which probably will not happen in the near or foreseeable future because of the cost. Images of the short and longer term proposals can be seen at: www. hidot.hawaii.gov/presentations.

Mr. Sniffen told the Chamber gathering that community support would be required for the plan to be put into effect. There was a positive show of hands at the meeting; and Mr. Sniffen said he is looking for a
broad show of support from community groups and members. Further meetings and discussions in the community are planned.”