By Kezia Burgoyne

It’s no secret that the North Shore is home to several fantastic mothers. Moms are real- life superheroes as they care for the keiki – future adults of the island. The stories below are a teacup in an ocean of inspiring north shore mothers.

Jessica Corotan is a yoga instructor, outdoor enthusiast, and breast cancer survivor. She is also the mother of three wonderful kids, whom she has
homeschooled for several years. Jessica finds an immense measure of joy in being a mom and says, “part of the amazing thing about being a mom is
seeing children find themselves; . . . seeing what lights them up and in their flow and wide eyed about something.” And although being a mom is no easy task, Jessica is grateful that her kids are “constantly teaching her,” and notes that, “I think our job as parents is to assist them in finding what
they’re passionate about, because that’s the kind of life I want my kids to lead.”

Jessica and her family moved to the North Shore in late 2020, after a long battle against breast cancer and has been astounded by the inspiring community of mothers here. She says, “Every mom that I’ve met here is . . . living for themselves and for their children. . . . There’s a different vibration here . . . a touch into life people have – it’s intoxicating.”

Jessica isn’t the only one inspired by North Shore moms. The six Taylor kids, who have a superhero mom, expressed their gratitude and love for
both their mom and all the ‘aunties’ in their community. Lilikoi Taylor states, “Thank you for taking care of your children.” Makana Taylor emphasizes, “Thank you for taking us to the beach and . . . to different
places.” Kaleo Taylor expresses, “Thank you for doing everything and working jobs and being there for all your kids; loving them.”

Genevieve Wasson, a mother of four, is another stunning example of stellar motherhood. She loves living on the North Shore and remarks how, “It
takes a village to raise our children and that’s what the north shore has done for my family.” As a stellar example of motherhood herself, Genevieve remarks that, “I think the biggest accomplishment as a mom
is to know and to hear one’s children thanking you for raising them the way they turned out.” Her teenage daughter, Tealani, adds, “My mom sticks with us no matter what, and her diligence in supporting us and being there for us has helped us a lot throughout our lives.”

The Corotans, Taylors, and Wassons are only a sample of the immense population of superhero moms, aunties, and mother figures in our community. On behalf of the North Shore community, We love you, moms!