Mālama Pūpūkea-Waimea is pleased to announce that after a sixteen-year effort by the community to ensure better protections for the Pūpūkea Marine Life Conservation District (MLCD), on August 24, 2021, Governor David Ige signed new administrative rules that officially include and fully protect the Kapo‘o Tidepools as a part of the larger marine protected area. This means that the tidepools are now completely a “no take” zone and it is illegal to harm, take, injure, or kill any marine life there in any way. In addition, it is illegal to possess in the water any device that could be used for the taking of any marine life such as scoop nets, buckets, or any other fishing gear.

The shallow three-acre “tidepools” – a semienclosed area connected to adjacent Sharks Cove – provide critical nursery habitat for over 70 types of fish species, over 20 limu species, and dozens of coral and marine invertebrates species like urchins, nudibranchs, sea cucumbers, and anemones. Surrounded by sharp rocky reef and influenced by dynamic tides, waves, and freshwater seeps, this unique area serves as the “piko” for the 100-acre MLCD, which stretches from 100 yards off Kulalua Point to the Wānanapaoa Islets offshore of Waimea Bay.

“The Kapo‘o tidepools add to the diversity and uniqueness of the Pūpūkea MLCD and are a key part of what makes this area a special place,” said Brian Neilson, Administrator for the Division of Aquatic Resources (DAR). “DAR appreciates the community support we received for expanding the MLCD boundary to conserve the fish, invertebrates, and limu in this area.”

MPW expresses its gratitude to the Governor and DLNR for making these long-needed rule changes to enhance protection for the Kapo‘o Tidepools and the entire MLCD. With the dramatic increases in the number of people using the MLCD, increased pressures from poaching, and hundreds of visitors a day crowding the small Kapo‘o Tidepools, the protections now allow MPW and other community members to better educate residents and visitors about the outstanding marine life of Kapo‘o and the entire MLCD.

To report a violation, call (808) 643-DLNR or download the DLNRTip app on your phone

To report a Monk Seal sighting, or any seal or turtle in distress, call 1-888-256-9840
For more info about rules and regulations, visit https://dlnr.hawaii.gov/dar/
Contact MPW at www.pupukeawaimea.org