As we approach the 2024 legislative session, it’s clear that Hawai‘i needs strong government reforms. These reforms stem from the ongoing efforts of the Legislature, the work of the Foley Commission, and discussions at the Working Families Caucus’ Good Government Forum on August 29, 2024. At the forum, community members and policymakers explored how we can improve transparency, accountability, and fairness in our government.

The Foley Commission, formed in 2022, provided a framework to address corruption, lobbying, ethics, and campaign spending. While it offered real solutions, many of its key proposals have not yet been implemented. Safeguards on campaign contributions, transparency in legislative processes, and curbing unilateral power to block bills remain areas needing reform. The Legislature’s previous work highlighted these issues, but now is the time to act.

The 5-3-1 reform plan, building on the Foley Commission’s efforts and the Legislature’s earlier work, offers a clear path forward.

Five Key Amendments to Legislative Rules:

  1. Testimony Transparency: Make testimony publicly available at least 22 hours before a hearing, with late testimony posted two hours before. This ensures ample time for public engagement.
  2. Committee Vote Transparency: Require committees to vote on every bill, ending deferrals that prevent legislators from taking clear positions.
  3. Streamlined Bill Referrals: Limit non-fiscal bills from being sent to finance committees, reducing unnecessary bottlenecks.
  4. Co-Sponsorship Accountability: Ensure that bills with significant support—25 co-sponsors in the House or 12 in the Senate—are guaranteed a hearing.
  5. Amendment Transparency: Require all amendments to be written and shared before voting, preventing last-minute changes that undermine transparency.

Three Key Statutory Amendments for 2025:

  1. Campaign Finance Reform: Ban contributions from state contractors and related entities to prevent undue influence over policymaking.
  2. Public Financing of Elections: Establish comprehensive public financing for candidates to reduce the reliance on wealthy donors. Stop Campaign Contribution Transfers:Prohibit the transfer of campaign contributions between candidates, ensuring financial independencein campaigns.

One Constitutional Amendment: Term Limits for Legislators

A critical reform is to let voters decide on term limits for state legislators. Placing this question on the ballot allows the public to limit the ccumulation of political power and encourage fresh leadership.

These reforms underscore the importance of the Foley Commission’s work, the Legislature’s earlier efforts, and community conversations at the Good Government Forum. As we enter the 2024 legislative session, these changes are necessary to rebuild public trust and ensure a government that serves everyone in Hawai‘i.

The 5-3-1 plan enhances transparency, accountability, and fairness—critical components of a healthy democracy. By acting on these recommendations, Hawai‘i’s government will be more effective, just, and responsive to its people. Let’s seize this moment and move forward with these essential reforms.

If you have questions, issues or concerns, please call our office at (808) 586-6700.