In the wake of the tragic death of Geanna Bradley, our community is confronted with a profound sorrow and an urgent call to action. Geanna’s story is one of heartbreak and systemic failure, highlighting the dire need for reform within our child welfare and foster care systems. Her journey, marked by abuse and neglect, underscores the gaps that exist in protecting our most vulnerable children.

The recent lawsuit filed on behalf of a young boy, A.B., who suffered malnutrition and abuse in the same Wahiawa home where Geanna died, further illuminates these systemic issues. The allegations of state negligence in screening and supervising the foster parents raise critical questions about the adequacy of our current safeguards and oversight mechanisms. It is clear that we must do better to ensure the safety and well-being of every child in foster care.

As we grieve for Geanna, we must also commit ourselves to the hard work of change. This is a moment for deep healing and collective responsibility. Our community must come together to advocate for rigorous oversight, increased resources, and stronger support networks for foster families and children.

The Mālama ‘Ohana listening session on Monday, July 1, at 5:30 p.m. at Wahiawa Elementary provided a crucial opportunity for all community members in HD 46, from Mililani to the North Shore, to unite in this effort. This session was not only a forum for discussing our grief and our hopes but also a space for building a path forward. Your voices, experiences, and insights are essential in shaping the reforms we need to prevent future tragedies.

If you were not able to attend, but would like to submit written testimony, the Working Group requests you to please submit it by emailing it to: malamaohana@ or If you would like to submit written comments via mail carrier, please send to Office of Wellness and Resilience, Office of the Governor, 415 S. Beretania St., Room 415, Honolulu, HI 96813.

Let us honor Geanna’s memory by committing to creating a community where every child is safe, valued, and cherished. Let us listen to each other with open hearts and minds, understanding that our collective strength lies in our unity and our shared commitment to justice and compassion.

Together, we can advocate for policies that prioritize the well-being of our keiki and ensure they are raised in environments where they are loved, nurtured, and protected Mahalo for your presence and dedication to this vital cause. Let us move forward with determination to create a brighter future for all our children.

With deepest gratitude,

Rep. Amy Perruso