I want to first thank the Mayor for releasing our budget ads for the Kahuku pool ($1.5 million) and the additional lifeguard positions ($1.3 million). By releasing the funds, the City can begin the planning process for the pool and begin filling the permanent positions in Ocean Safety.

I am excited to share that Bill 46 (2023), which aims to curb youth tobacco use, has passed third reading at Council and was recently signed by the Mayor. Flavored tobacco and nicotine products are particularly attractive to our keiki, with 1 in 3 high school students regularly using electronic cigarettes. In light of this statistic, I co-introduced this measure with Chair Waters, in hopes that this legislation will benefit our youth in North Shore O’ahu as well as across our island. I am grateful for the leadership and advocacy of our youth that helped push Bill 46 over the finish line.

Honolulu City Council Passes Bill 46 (2023)

Fire safety and disaster preparedness is another pressing concern that has become increasingly important for our communities. With the recent Maui wildfire event and the wildfires in Hale’iwa, Mililani, Wahiawa, and elsewhere, it is clear that we have an urgent need for comprehensive emergency preparedness. Therefore, I co-introduced an Emergency Preparedness Legislative Package with several of my colleagues:

1. RES 23-239, co-introduced with Council Chair Waters, would initiate a charter amendment to add certain minimum qualifications for the Director of Emergency Management.

2.RES 23-240, co-introduced with Budget Chair Cordero requests the City Administration to present annual budgetary recommendations for long-term emergency preparedness.

3.RES 23-241, co-introduced with Public Safety Chair Okimoto, requests the City Administration to establish a working group to provide recommendations on long-term emergency preparedness within the context of residential housing.

This package is not only about responding to disasters; it’s about anticipating and planning for them, and ensuring our community’s safety and resilience. As we take strides to be proactive, I do want to mahalo our first responders who are already working overtime Constituents from across our district have reached out about various fire hazards and concerns, and Honolulu Fire Department’s Inspection Team have been responsive and diligent in responding to every issue that has been raised.

Bill 47 (2023), co-introduced by Councilmember Radiant Cordero and myself, also passed the full Council. This bill would add manufactured compostables, such as the takeout containers we get from restaurants that say compostable, to the items we can place in our green collection bins for rubbish pickup. By allowing green waste, food waste, and other compostable items to be collected, we can reduce the burden on our landfills and create a more sustainable waste stream.

I always appreciate hearing from you. Please email me at mweyer@honolulu.gov or call our office at 808- 768-5002 if you have any concerns or ideas about how to support and uplift our community.