Saturday, March 9, the 2019 Hau‘ula Ho‘olaulea community celebration will be held on Asia Pacific International School’s awesome hillside campus overlooking the blue Pacific. Enjoy the breathtaking ocean and mountain views and an amazing day that kicks off at 9 a.m. with a 5K Family Fun Run/ Walk. Come for the 5K and stay for the day of FREE family fun! Ho‘olaulea starts at 10 a.m. with live music, hula, ono food and creative local crafts plus over twenty community outreach booths and free health screenings by Koolauloa Health Center. Ho‘olaulea is supported by the Office of Hawaiian Affairs (OHA). Hau‘ula Ho‘olaulea was first started in 1970’s and is still the highlight of the year for the Koolauloa District. This year’s theme is “Celebrating Hawaiian Cultural Treasures.” Highlights will include: Uncle Cy Bridges sharing cultural sites of Hau‘ula, Maunawil Heiau Menehune Tour, Poi pounding, and demonstrations by cultural practitioners and lots of Aloha Aina learning activities for the keiki! Proceeds from the Hoolaulea will support Kupuna (seniors) and keiki (children’s activities and Emergency Preparation in Hauula. For more information on Ho‘olaulea, the 5 K Fun Run, vendor booths and community outreach booths email To preregister for the Hau‘ula 5K online go to Don’t miss this action-packed, family fun day! Location is near Hau‘ula Kai Shopping Center at 54-230 Kamehameha Highway. Call for more info 808-255- 6944.
Partners include: Hau‘ula Community Association, Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Asia Pacific International School, Koolauloa Health Center, Ko‘olauloa Hawaiian Civic Club, Project Kuleana, Ka Hale Auamo, Hui O Hau‘ula (501c3 Non-Profit.)