Muscle aches, headaches, fever, chills, fatigue, cough, and congestion are all symptoms of influenza. Flu season is here and we are seeing more cases of influenza and more complications, such as pneumonia, sinus infection and even death. For this reason it is important to protect yourself, family and friends by getting the flu shot.
Influenza is caused by a virus and for most, treatment includes treating the symptoms and allowing our own body defenses to get rid of the virus. For those who are really sick or high risk such as those with lung diseases, heart problems or other chronic diseases like diabetes, we recommend seeing your medical provider within 48-72 hrs so you can be treated with an anti-viral medication.
Getting sick with the flu can lead to missed work, school and other activities. The best protection against influenza is getting the shot. It takes about two weeks to build up your defenses. Other things you can do to stay well are to avoid those who are sick, wash hands frequently, and avoid Olakino Maika‘i (Good Health) touching your mouth, nose and eyes. To build up your defenses, get adequate sleep and a healthy diet. If you do get the flu, stay at home and away from others until 24 hours after the fever is gone. Cover your mouth with a tissue when you cough so it can be thrown away.
People sometimes get confused about what influenza is and what the flu shot covers. The flu shot only protects against the influenza virus. It does not protect you against colds or the stomach flu which also occurs more during flu season. Just a reminder, if you have the stomach flu and have diarrhea, stick to a clear liquid/soft diet—the exception is guava juice which reduces diarrhea. If you are throwing up, stick to sips of clear liquid. Your medical provider can also prescribe medications for these symptoms.