In 2016 a friend from Korea suggested I apply for the 2018 Winter Olympics and Paralympic Games in South Korea. Over 110,000 international volunteers applied, after a year long process , I felt very blessed to be part of the
1,200 international volunteers selected.
I was originally born in Seoul, Korea and was adopted at 9 months old, it was overwhelming and exciting to be a volunteer and a small part of Olympic history. Due to time constraints, I chose to volunteer for the Paralympics and was amazed at the ability of the athletes competing in seated, blind and cross country skiing. It was an experience I will never forget.
Talking with the USA team, I was able to meet Jeremy Wagner, a seated skier athlete who was originally born and raised in Nanakuli, Hawaii. I was able to watch the live sledge hockey game between South Korea and Italy for the bronze. To watch South Korea win the bronze was heartwarming and USA took the gold.
My church family, HEMI also packed donations that I was able to deliver to the orphanage where I was adopted. It is now a facility for disabled adults. Their joy of receiving simple things that we take for granted like candy or simple toys was indeed another blessing. Simple acts of kindness such as a smile can go a long way.
I encourage anyone who has the opportunity to volunteer at an Olympic event to do so. You meet the most wonderful people from all over the world who all come together for the same goal.
Kathi Albiar