I’m delighted to share that Resolution 24-103 and Resolution 24-50 were successfully passed during our recent City Council meeting on May 15th. Resolution 24-103 approves the creation of an independent Department of Ocean Safety. Because the creation of an Ocean Safety Commission must be approved by voters, Resolution 24-50 allows for the question of an Ocean Safety Commission to appear on November’s ballot. Both resolutions complement each other in facilitating the transparent and efficient progression of an Ocean Safety Department to both support the needs of our first responders and enhance public safety. Our committed lifeguards tirelessly watch over our residents and families from morning till night, ensuring their safety throughout Oʻahu. I’m eager to continue my support and appreciate the collaboration with the administration, my Council colleagues, and our community to guarantee that our first responders receive the resources they need to keep our community safe.

The Mayor’s town hall for Waialua, Haleʻiwa, Pūpūkea that was originally scheduled for May 16, 2024, and was postponed due to severe weather, has been rescheduled to Thursday, June 20, 2024 at 7:00 p.m at Waialua lementary School. Please take this opportunity to come out and share your concerns about what you would like to see in our communities.

I also wanted to provide some community highlights. First off, congratulations to all of our graduating seniors celebrating this season! I am so proud of your hard work, and I wish you the best on all of your future endeavors. In May, I was grateful to attend the Wahiawaʻs Lionʻs Club 2024 Outstanding First Responder Award ceremony. We recognized five outstanding individuals for their service to the community. On behalf of the City and County of Honolulu, I had the privilege to presenting Honorary Certificates to the following deserving awardees:

Outstanding Police Officer— Police Officer Timothy lInuma, Outstanding Fire Fighter— Firefighter 1 Ryan Alvarado, Outstanding Military Police Officer— Sgt. Riley Bonaventura, Outstanding Life Guard— Jared Jovero and Outstanding EMS Employee— Ruddy Hernandez.

As June 1st marks the onset of Hawaiʻi’s hurricane season, residents and visitors alike should prioritize preparedness. Creating an emergency kit with essentials such as water, non-perishable food, flashlights, and first-aid supplies is so crucial for our safety. Stay informed by monitoring local weather forecasts and heeding any warnings or evacuation notices issued by authorities. Secure outdoor furniture and objects that could become projectiles in high winds to minimize damage. Establish a communication plan with family members to ensure everyone knows where to meet and how to stay in touch during an emergency. By taking these proactive measures, families can enhance their safety and resilience in the face of potential disasters. To learn more about hurricane preparedness, visit https://www.honolulu.gov/dem

As always, please feel free to contact my office at (808)768-5002 or email me at mweyer@honolulu.gov with any questions or concerns you may have.